LTC2631 Write
Write the specified output voltage to the LTC2631.
DAC Resolution Ticks is used to set the number of DAC ticks and should be equal to 2^Resolution. The default is 4096 (12-bit)
Full Scale Voltage is the full scale voltage range the the DAC is capable of outputtting. This depends on the DAC model and supply voltage.
I2C Channel
Specifies the LINX device I2C channel that the LTC2631 is connected to.
LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.
I2C Slave Address (0)
Specifies the LTC2631 I2C slave address.
Voltage (V)
Specifies the target output voltage in volts.
Error In
Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
DAC Resolution Ticks (4096)
Specifies the number of DAC ticks. This value should be set to 2^Resolution and is used to convert the target voltage into the correct number of DAC ticks.
Full Scale Voltage (4.096)
Specifies the full scale range that the DAC is capable of outputting in volts. This depends on the DAC model and supply voltage.
LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.
Error Out
Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.