MPU60X0 Open

Initializes the MPU-60×0 device setting the clock source and the full ranges for the accelerometer and gyro.

Original Code Contributed By NathanB


I2C Channel
Specifies the I2C channel that the MPU60x0 is connected to.

LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.

I2C Slave Address
Specifies the I2C slave address of the MMA8452.

Clock Source
Specifies the MPU60X0 clock source.

Error In
Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

Accel Full Scale Range
Specifies the MPU60X0 accelerometer's full scale range in g.

Gyro Full Scale Range
Specifies the MPU60X0 gyroscope's full scale range in g.


LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.

Error Out
Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.