SSD1306 Open
Open the SPI master, initialize the SSD1306 and bring it out of reset.
<b>SPI Channel </b> specifies the SPI master that the SSD1306 is connected to.
<b>SPI CS Channel </b>specifies the LINX device DO channel to use as chip select.
<b>VDD Channel </b>specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 VDD.
<b>VBAT Channel </b>specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 VBAT input.
<b>RESET Channel </b>specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 reset input.
<b>DC Channel </b>specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 DC input.
LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.
SSD1306 Channels
Specify LINX device channels to use with the SSD1306
- SPI Channel specifies the SPI master that the SSD1306 is connected to.
- SPI CS Channel specifies the LINX device DO channel to use as chip select.
- VDD Channel specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 VDD.
- VBAT Channel specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 VBAT input.
- RESET Channel specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 reset input.
- DC Channel specifies the LINX device DO channel that controls the SSD1306 DC input.
Error In
Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
LINX Resource
Contains LINX connection resources.
Error Out
Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
Related Links
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LINX VI Reference